Dorothy Dunnett

 Dorothy Dunnett 's Books

A very well recieved series by Dorothy Dunnett are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Pawn in Frankincense, Gemini, Scales of Gold: The Fourth Book of the House of Niccolo, Moroccan Traffic: Send a Fax to the Kasbah, The Ringed Castle: Fifth in the Legendary Lymond Chronicles, Niccolo Rising, Rum Affair: Dolly and the Singing Bird; The Photogenic Soprano, King Hereafter, The Disorderly Knights, The Spring of the Ram: The Second Book of the House of Niccolo, Checkmate, Roman Nights: Dolly and the Starry Bird; Murder in Focus, The Unicorn Hunt: The Fifth Book of the House of Niccolo, To Lie With Lions: The Sixth Book of the House of Niccolo, Split Code: Dolly and the Nanny Bird, Race of Scorpions, The Tropical Issue: Dolly and the Bird of Paradise, Operation Nassau: Dolly and the Doctor Bird; Match for a Murderer, The Unicorn Hunt, Roman Nights, Moroccan Traffic, The Spring of the Ram, To Lie with Lions, Rum Affair, The Tropical Issue, Split Code, Ibiza Surprise, The Ringed Castle, Operation Nassau, which was published in 2022.